Wednesday 6 July 2011

...the ripple effect

Hey God's people,
It has been a while and I know y'all missed me even though you wont like admit it but i know deep deep deep down those big hearts of your' definitely missed me, 

lol, but if u dint, I did. 
My apologies though. I have been having those days when you look at everything and it just makes you unhappy. So many bad things happening to me, ok, lets just say its me who has been doing bad things. Stop raising eyebrows now(insert naija accent), but in short I have been making wrong decisions that have had these big/massive/humongous side effects on me that have led to some watery things cascading down my visage, (haha, I  have always wanted to use that) spending my whole Saturday in bed, which almost led to Sunday but I had to wake my sorry body and soul and go to church anyway, thats so besides the point but so just you know, karma my friend, does happen, what goes around comes around but God has been faithful...amen?
Today, I actually woke up like at four in the morning...i know, I know, I too was shocked.

 And its not those ones for waking up to go to the bathroom then coming back to continue with your sleep but #teaminsomnia, my sleep had gone...GONE!! I could not believe it. So as I was just staring at the peach( i hope that the correct one) darkness of my room, for some reason, the feeling of when u think of everything, it  just makes you sad, came. So I decided to play our song, the 'I smile' song, which goes like,

Today is a new day, but where is my sunshine,
Nothing but clouds and it’s dark in my heart
And it feels like a cold night.
Today is a new day, but where are my blue skies?
Where is the love and the joy that you promised me?
Tell me it’s allright!
I almost gave up but a power that I can’t explain!
Fell from Heaven, like a shower now!

I smile, even though I hurt see I smile,
I know God is working so I smile,
Even though I've been here for a while
I smile,
Smile!It’s so hard to look up when you’ve been down,
Sure would hate to see you give up now,
You look so much better when you smile! So smile !

Today is a new day, but where is my sunshine,
Nothing but clouds and it’s dark in my heart
And it feels like a cold night.
Today is a new day, but tell me where are my blue skies?
Where is the love and the joy that you promised me?
Tell me it’s all right!
The truth is:
I almost gave up but a power that I can’t explain!
(Holy Ghost fire y'all)
Fell from Heaven, like a shower now.

I smile, even though I hurt see I smile,
I know God is working so I smile,
Even though I've been here for a while
I smile,
Smile!It’s hard to look up when you’ve been down,
Sure would hate to see you give up now,
You look so much better when you smile!
Find More lyrics at 
Smile for me!
Can you just smile for me!
Smile for me!
Can you just smile for me!
All my people
Oh, oh, oh!
You look so much better when you oh, oh, oh!
You look so much better when you oh, oh, oh!
You look so much better when you oh, oh, oh!
You look so much better when you oh, oh, oh!
You look so much better when you oh, oh, oh!
You look so much better when you oh, oh, oh!
You look so much better when you oh, oh, oh!
I almost gave up but a power that I can’t explain!
Fell from Heaven, like a shower now.
I smile, even though I hurt see, I smile,
I know God is working so I smile,
Even though I’ve been here for a while
I smile,
Smile, It’s so hard to look up when you’ve down,
I know something right now!
Sure would hate to see you give up now,
You look so much better when you smile!
You look better!
So smile!
Oh, oh, oh!
You look so much better when you oh, oh, oh!
You look so much better when you oh, oh, oh!
You look so much better when you oh, oh, oh!
You look so much better when you smile
doesn't spongebob look so much better when he smiles???

after that song being stuck on reply for like a whole thirty minutes ( and the rest of the day till now).... I realized that God really LOVES me. I have always known that God loves me, but this time round, I felt it and it was real. 

I pray that God will give me the words to reach out to you and at the same time the wisdom to understand. You see, all these 'bad' things that were happening started unfolding themselves into a pattern that only God can explain. The things that I would have least expected to cross my mind at that time started streaming in my head and I finally got to put two and two together...and it all added up to what God's greatest desire for His creation is...for me to be happy in the end...hence the ripple effect.

that one drop of happiness, that simple act of smiling spreads so much that you cannot imagine. For those who feel hurt or have resentment over other people, as Rick Warren would say "we  should release the pain through forgiveness. Resentment always hurts you more than it does the person you resent...Those who hurt you in the past (or present) cannot continue to hurt you now unless you hold on to the pain through resentment. Your past is past! Nothing will change it. You are only hurting yourself with your bitterness. For your own sake, learn from it, and then let it go!!"

God knows our future, and there are certain things or certain paths that he leads us to that are quite difficult, and through our human mind we cannot understand but God knows our abilities, so, he cannot let us suffer things that we cannot handle and besides, nothing in this world is permanent, all you have to do is have faith, believe and trust. Our God is eternal. He has no beginning nor end.
Beautiful people, lets learn to forgive and forget, though its hard to forget, IT IS POSSIBLE. So from today, tomorrow and forever its OPERATION SMILE with your teeth.
*pinky promise

ok, maybe not with the tongue out but...hehe
on a lighter note:
Tough Exam
An eccentric philosophy professor gave a one 

question final exam after a semester dealing with a 

broad array of topics.

The class was already seated and ready to go when 

the professor picked up his chair, plopped it on his 

desk and wrote on the board: "Using everything we 

have learned this semester, prove that this chair 

does not exist."

Fingers flew, erasers erased, notebooks were filled 

in furious fashion. Some students wrote over 30 

pages in one hour attempting to refute the existence 

of the chair. One member of the class however, was 

up and finished in less than a minute.

Weeks later when the grades were posted, the rest 

of the group wondered how she(me, Lazizi, ehem, :]) 

could have gotten an A when he had barely written 

anything at all. His answer consisted of two words: 

"What chair?"

Lets spread the love of God, let live like Christ did.