Saturday 11 June 2011


Hawayu God's people,
 its been a while. I have not been feeling quite well but I trust in the Almighty God that I will be well in Jesus name.
Today, I dont have much to say. I was actually about to sleep, after sleeping my afternoon away. I just remembered something I want to share,because I know, once I sleep... (I cannot actually put a finger on where I heard this from but if you sleep at the wrong time as in the time you are not meant to sleep, you will feel groggy and sleepy all the time until the body adjust again)

yap, that is exactly what is happening to me, at this time, as I write, due to this horrible flu that has just decided to make me feel like a wrecked car (do wrecked cars even have feelings??) and have weird sleeping patterns. You get my point either way. For those who know me, you know how a common reacts on me, you might think I'm suffering from a disease, a disease that I think should be called Kuru's flu because I have never seen someone with just a flu suffer like me. If there is anyone out there or if you know anyone out there, and you have the remedy like Kenedy(I have no idea where that came Oh, wait I think I do know...heee McDre right ther....*cough* *cough* (I'm literally coughing like a cow, that is what my mum always tells me whenever I cough). Do cows even cough?? Maybe za help a sister out.

I'm serious people, very serious, I need help. I had this cold, the same type, like two weeks ago!! Same symptoms, same everything...wololo...SOMEBODY HELP ME(insert smallville's theme song)

Back to the main point for today's post, so juzi, we were having Bible study with my friends and then all of a sudden people started digressing when someone made a comment that life is not fair because women are favored more yet we fight for gender equality, ati oh, how can we be in the same class and then the pass mark for girls is reduced and then when it fikaz time for employment we start gender equality, and all that yidi yadi yada, before I go on, I never fight for gender equality, so just you know, that is my opinion. Because, I want a man who is going to be able to pay for my salon fee without complaining as I will take care of his/our kids and cook for him good food whenever he wants it. If it was still possible, in this age, I would not mind being a house wife. If my dad sees this, I will be skinned alive.(Hiyo pesa yote nimelipia university ni ya nini si ungeniambia mapema!!!) I can just imagine....

 Both sexes being present, the kind of debate that went down...

ok, i'm kinda exaggerating but you get my point, but i'm normally the person who does not argue ( my boyfriend calls me spoiler, mee ndio hu spoil party, I dnt think so) but if u just decide to touch my last nerve, hell will break loose.( I have no idea why people use that phrase coz if hell breaks loose one day, ehem, trust me, you will not like it) so I take back my words...if you touch my last nerve, you will see the other side of me, and there is a reason why it is rarely seen. But that is besides today's point...AGAIN!! 
Since I do not normally participate in arguments, I like sitting there just to listen, watch and cheers people break each other's necks.hehehehe, laugh my lungs and eyes out then i'l be the one to tell the story, full edition
 because I saw all the action.

This time round, for some reason, I decided to listen to them, normally me huskia tu, and something really interesting caught my ears( satellite ears to be precise).lol

In the book of Ephesians chapter 5 verse 22 all the way to verse 33
  22 For wives, this means submit to your husbands as to the Lord. 23 For a husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of the church. He is the Savior of his body, the church. 24 As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything.   25 For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her 26 to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word.[b] 27He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault. 28 In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself. 29 No one hates his own body but feeds and cares for it, just as Christ cares for the church. 30 And we are members of his body.   31 As the Scriptures say, “A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.”[c] 32 This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one. 33 So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
After reading that, have you seen the way the Bible, is insisting, not me, the Bible, the word of God, is insisting on how a man MUST love his wife?? Just go back and check how many times it says fact lemme underline for you, it says that 'four good times' and is there a place written woman love your man??
I do not think so but I stand corrected just in case my Bible is playing tricks on me of which I highly doubt.
The ONLY thing us women are told is to submit...hiyo tu...which comes hand in hand with respect.
I mean, if you actually submit to this guy that means you respect him ama?

Men, please dont crucify me, sijatumwa na FIDA or any female organization but I represent what the word of God says. Women learn to love easily more than men. For a man to submit?? That is his ego right there...GONE!! And that is why I respect those men who who genuinely lift up their hands in church as a surrender to God, that takes a lot of guts and loss of pride for them to do that.  I am speaking from my point of view, a woman's point of view, I mean if a man loves me na anipende na roho yake yote, and he actually shows it and means it ata kama I did not love him way before, it going to be easy for me to submit and slowly the submission will grow to love. But at the same time do not let your love be more that the love you have for God.
God's love should always be first because it is the greatest love because it never fails
For the Married men, advice, penda huyo bibi yako, there is a reason why you chose her to be your wife. For those who are heading there, do what pleases God and not man. I have a dream that one day, I will get married, I usually joke with my friends that Jesus has to come back after I have gotten married, God, niko seriuos, I have to have this kind of man you describe in your word, and have seven kids( btw, i was told that men do not care how many kids you have..if this true?...i think i am set), not that I'm not happy but ningalipenda kuexperience hili pendo. God knows the desires of your heart.
But in the end, all that matters is your will, oh God. May your will be done.Thats all I had, just think about it and let me know hat you think.
I have to sleep now, my nose is blocked(how does this happen? what causes it?) I do not mind a running nose, a blocked one is so uncomfortable but I pray that by morning, all is going to be well in Jesus name.

Love y'all


  1. Yes, it does make sense. Then again, m a guy...

  2. You are brilliant! Whatever you do, please, PLEASE, keep connecting with the wisdom of God and keep writing. You owe it to the world! Bless you!
