Tuesday 13 March 2012

...love is patient

When I was in primary school or should I say elementary school, I remember we used to memorize verses from the Bible and 1st Corinthians 13 was one of them, the chapter of love. At that time, I just had to memorize them because we were being evaluated by the class teacher, and mind you it was in King James Version(thoueth be thee hardest version) but now that I’m all grown up and mature, those verse makes so much sense in terms of my relationship with God, my family and friends. I guess it’s because of the situations I have been exposed to or I have exposed myself to.
At times, I regret why I got into relationships at such a young age, if I tell, you will be shocked. But I’m sure if my parents read this, they will be shocked because they know there only girl as the ‘pastor’ who is responsible in the decisions she makes, knowing what is right at the time. If wishes were wishes, I would go back in time and change some of the things I did, but life isn’t that easy. One of my lecturers normally tells us that one of his teachers told him that “Fools learn from their own experience, the wise learn from other peoples experiences.” I guess I’m a fool… anyway, of late I have been thinking about my life, how it has been, and my past relationships. I know it was never love because in 1st Corinthians 13:8 says ‘Love is eternal (never ending)’ and in another version, ‘love never fails’. I don’t know whether to blame the society or the media or myself, for allowing ‘them’ to influence my decision and how I do my things.
But since experience is the best teacher, now I know that love has never been lust nor will it ever be because that’s how it was to me. Unlike lust, God’s love is directed outwards towards others, not inward towards ourselves. The only way to practice this kind of love is if God helps us set aside our own desires and instincts and become like Christ. We were all created in God’s image and likeness meaning we have the mind of God. So, I have decided that the next relationship I get myself into will be based on love, a relation’ship’ where Jesus is our captain and our faith anchored in him. The kind of love that is patient, not in a hurry to do what the world thinks is love but what God thinks is love. The kind of love that is kind… ready and anxious to do good to others not because it’s a must but because they are willing to. The kind of love that is not jealous nor having pride. The kind of love that does not keep a record of wrongs, always bring up the past, I thought it’s for forgive and forget. The kind of love that is not happy with evil but is happy with the truth even though it hurts. The kind of love that never gives up, in bad times and in good times, when you no longer feel my vibe or when you do because I believe love is a choice not a feeling. If God had feelings, don’t you think many of us could be done by now? How many times have we disappointed him? But still, he loves us to death!! His love is eternal and this is what I want. I know a man and a woman can have this kind of love.
I am not perfect but it is my prayer, everyday, to be perfect in God’s eyes because that is what matters to me the most, what God thinks of me. It is my prayer that I be that person that shares this love to the people that God has brought my way and therefore, I am taking back my regrets of having been in those many relationships because I know, there is a reason for everything. I am so grateful that God saved me and that my relationship with him is becoming better and better, seeing things in different ways that I had never seen before. The other day I was watching the movie “Courageous”, such an amazing movie and I remember telling God that He cannot let me watch this movie and settle for less than this. God…I want that and the thought of it just makes me happy. God answers prayers and I know he has already answered mine, just waiting for the perfect time to swing him by, maybe he has… At times I wonder if I have met my future husband but that’s for God to know and me to find out. I suggest you look for it if you haven’t watched it, a gangster like me was almost crying. P.s I don’t cry in movies by the way but wedding show gets into me. Stop judging…
Love is the greatest of all human qualities and it is an attribute to God himself (1st John 4:8). Love is an action. When faith and hope are in line, you are free to love completely because you understand how God loves. May God grant the desires of your heart.

1 comment:

  1. i cried my eyes out watching courageous and we totally had the same prayer..i told God after that movie that i was going to give Him my best in walking the straight n arrow and I know He'll give me the best in love..i wish more people would watch that movie and for mamaaz learn that they deserve the best and jamaaz how to be the best. Praise God!!!
