Monday 30 May 2011

...another angle of the Lord's temple

Hey God's people? I believe and trust that y'all are well. How was your Monday? I hope it was aight and that you kept it HOLY.

Today, i'l just share some poetry/spoken word with you guys.


If you do not control your eating habits, you eating habits will control you.
Look at my gut for example,
I have love handles like monkey bars that kids dangle with from a play grounds

Flabs spilling over from the side my what used to be waist line...
I have lack of discipline stretch marks that mark my elastic truths when I would to stretch my lies to satisfy my gluttonous excuses
Every time I would drive home from work or every time I would drive home from church I would think, "What do I have a taste for?"
Never took the time to watch my mum cook, so I settled for fast food.
You know, let say its catered by a patience.
"Welcome to Wendy's! What can I get for you today?"
"Can I have two cheese burgers, two fried pieces regular doggies(donno if thats the spelling), no sauce please, a small fry and a small chocolate fros-tie with a diet coke as if thats gonna make a difference

"Would that complete your order?"
"Yes, please."
Put forward as total as I would, total my body like a car wreck
Every time I would let my taste buds do 99meals per hour in the fast food lane dented to a brick wall called HIGH CHOLESTEROL
Treated my body like a junk yard when I should have been treated my body like a temple
I know I'm not the only one that feels conviction when I drive up that second window.

But yet...I will let my flesh get the best of me not realizing that gluttony is Satan's secret recipe
It was like every time I was depressed, I would eat to defeat my feeling of feeling depressed
For once I started to physically address my figure was getting bigger, I would start to get depressed again
Every time I would look in the mirror and see my belly stick out further than my chest again
Best friends and co-workers teasing me while gluttony was eating me
While laugh and make jokes about it like I'm doing in this poem but everyday feeling like I'm going to get a heart attack secretly

Because I fell in love with food, became gluttony's baby
Thats when Satan started spoon feeding me lies,
"Its getting too hard to get started!"
"You might as well not do it, you are too fat!"
"You cant loose it!" and the one thats the worst,
"You've done such a good job so far, one burger won't hurt.."

You are right, one burger won't hurt, one burger may kill you like a heart attack waiting to stroke more than your ego after it fills you
Making me feel like a jacket box of dogged doughnuts every time I hop in and out of Burgers Kingdom
Because gluttony was a dairy queen that gave me a hearty with the hooters and I could not rally to check 'em
Because this cheek...Adam's apple had me stuck until one day...
God showed me that my body is a golden carrel, not a piece of harper eye or 'churches chicken'
Never really wanted to read the book of Daniel because I was too scared at the conviction of fasting with him
Its kinda funny how they call it fast food yet it slows our metabolism.

Now i'm not saying that if you are fat you are going to hell?
But the realization I came to was that...
If I can't take care of the body that God gave me, then how am I going to take care of his body as well?
But its hard because we live in a world
Where we are no longer thankful because convenience has desensitized our patience
We sit at restaurants not in mind with the preparation it takes
As we greedily anticipate stuff in our faces with food
We almost eat our food like objects not different from hookers in the projects
To the point where the only thing that our fast food eating habits and saying 'Our Grace" has in common is that they are processed.

.......Its sad that gluttony has gotten so bad that we almost take short cuts in prayers to indulge in it
"Jesus wept. Amen!" Anything longer than that...
I know i'm not the only one
C'mon, we be like, "Jesus wept. Amen!" anything longer than that, "...ehem!"
Less somebody say "Dear Lord, I thank you for this day.." people thinking at the back of their minds
"Would this dude hurry up and pray, I'm hungry!"

So we starve God's glory to fulfill our tummies.
Coz our flesh got the munchies and we are high off the smell
How much longer will you let your taste buds abominations take a bite out of hell???
Don't let the fact that something tastes good be an excuse for you to pick out all the time
Because if it is, just remember that even Satan can use fast food to cast his pearls to your swine

If this poem is about you, like it is me
And you've began to loose faith at you ability to loose weight
But you want to eat healthy or restart to get fit again
I'm here to tell you that God has not given you a spirit of fear not to do it but of power, of love and of self discipline
The power to say that, "Starting right now, I'm gonna eat right!"
The love of my body to say that I'm going to treat my body the same way I expect to treat the body of Christ of self-discipline
To say that God has not given me a spirit of timidity, but of power, of love and of self-discipline is what's going into me.
I'm here to tell you that ...YOU CAN DO IT!
Even though Satan is saying that you are too fat... YOU CAN DO IT!
Even though Satan is saying that you can't make to the gym... YOU CAN DO IT!
Even though Satan is saying that you are too lazy... YOU CAN DO IT!

Because if you body is the temple like God says it is and you believe Him, then prove it!
Because if you body is the temple like God says it is and you believe Him, then prove it!
Because if you body is the temple like God says it is and you believe Him, then prove it!

Because if all that weight is too much for your body or you spirit to carry...then
                                                 LOOSE IT

These are not my words but its like he (Karness, a man of God and a poet) just came into my heart and saw what I was going through and I believe i'm not the only one. If you get to read it and know someone else who it may help, pass on the info.

 P.s If you want to check out more of his poems u can go to
 thats it for me today. I love y'all but God's love is the what?....the GREATEST!!
...keep it holy...

 u can follow me on twitter @missRutto

Sunday 29 May 2011

“A Sunday well-spent brings a week of content.”

Exodus 20:8-11
 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work,  but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. I'm hoping that y'all kept it holy today, went to church especially the Barcelona fans, to thank God for the victory. You know we meant to thank God during the bad times and good times, so wasee wa Man U, you have always won that cup it was Barcelona's time, i hope u went to church too. Speaking of soccer, I saw something interesting today. There was this couple in their car, the man was wearing a Barcelona jersey and his wife (assuming she was his wife) was wearing a Manchester United one and from the look on their faces

I am going to assume, things did not go well I just found that interesting. Is this what soccer can do to people?? May God help us.
As for me I went to church, awesome time, the sermon was on fasting? Do you normally fast?? hmmmmmmm, thot so. when it comes to matters of food...O-o. Just a random question, do guys eat to live or live to eat??
 In the afternoon, I went to see a very close pal of mine in hospital. He has not been feeling well for quite some time but I believe and trust in our Almighty God that He is going restore his health, how else would we know that our God is a healer unless he heals?? I'm a witness and proof that He has done that so many times. Remember what I told u jana about prayer..tuendelee kuomba.

 Pray for yourselves and others. I do not have much to say today. I need to sleep early so that I can get me some beauty sleep coz u know we all need to keep it beautiful everyday ama? 
Anyways, I would like to share some few word from the Bible. Psalms 93:5, Your status stand firm: holiness adorns your house for endless days, O Lord. 
The key to God's eternal reign is his holiness. God's glory is seen not only in his strength but in his perfect moral character as well. God will never do anything that is not morally perfect. This reassures us that we can trust him, yet it places a demand on us. Our desire to be holy(dedicated to God and morally clean) is our suitable response. We must never use unholy means to reach  a holy goal because God says, "Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am Holy" ( Leviticus 19:1,2)
I'm sure you must be thinking, how can we be holy like God, thats like impossible...but I believe it so possible though I agree it aint an easy road but kama King David aliweza, and the way he had so much drama in his life. Just imagine, sijui he stole someone's wifey, bad manners, then killed her husband plus many other evil things but you know what, David was a man after God's own heart and like I always say, that right there is wanting to live a holy life. He repented from deep down his heart and God was with him.Having God's heart is being holy? I am imagining if i was God, si ningekuwa nimeuwa watu wengi, from the friends who have disappointed me and wronged me to the boyfriends who have hurt me...ehem, goodness..but I guess that is why me si Mungu..ha ha.
But then again, let us not pretend to be holy. I must confess that i have been a victim of this a couple of times of which i am not proud of myself.

For those who love spoken word or are newly addicts like me you should try and listen to this one right here, "does anybody know that you are a Christian"
It made me think a lot about my walk with Christ. "...does anybody know that you are a Christian by your actions or does everybody think you are Christian because you are acting.." AWESOME stuff I tell u,
its by this organization thats called Passion for Christ Movement,I encourage you to check out their website some time...inspirational stuff. 
I hope this will make your week be of content and of God.

Heavenly Father, I ask you to bless my friends reading this. I ask You to minister to their spirit. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self doubting, release a renewed confidence to work through them Where there is tiredness or exhaustion, I ask You to give them understanding, guidance, and strength. Where there is fear, reveal Your love and release to them Your courage.. Bless them, give them greater vision, and raise up leaders and friends to support and encourage them. I ask You to do these things in Jesus' name. Amen

GOD changed the status of David from a shepherd boy to king of Israel , Esther from a slave girl to a Queen and Joseph from a prisoner to the first (and only foreigner to become) Prime Minister of Egypt .
That same God will give you a new designation very soon in Jesus name. 

I love y'all but God's love is the greatest.

You can leave your comment below, i'd really appreciate it.

Saturday 28 May 2011


I'm trusting that everyone had a beautiful day. Guess which song is running or is playing through my head...Ok...fine....I know you can not guess even with the slightest of clues so lemme just tell you anyway...Kirk Franklin's song "I smile" :)
That song right there should be 'a must listen to' every morning all thanks to my bestie, Maryanne a.k.a mariru
 ( for those who are not kikuyus like me it means sweetheart), she's lives by  the true definition of that name. You know like when you here someone is called Bubbles, you expect her to be all bubbly... yap, thats what I mean. 
Aint she pretty?? For the men who what her number or hook up...unaweza ni ona jk, you have to be like Christ to win her heart...#true story.
 So, as I was saying, y'all should be listening to this song(  it not loud, angelic voices, the right tempo for doing a morning dance...kuchangamka tu) as you take breakfast or as you dress for school or work or wherever you do when you wake up, after "the" prayer of thanking God for letting you wake up and all. I slept at 4a.m knowing that I had a class at 9a.m(the wrong choices we make in life...tsk tsk tsk)

 meaning three hours of intensive sleeping which wasn't helpful at all. Before I went "to bed" jana, I told mummy to wake me up....because mimi na usingizi...ehem, I dread the day I will start working, and to make matters worse but I still think its good...for now. I'm in a school where you can choose the time you want to go for class. If I tell you my weekday might start judging me... he he. Its just unfortunate that this Saturday class was a must have, I had no choice on this one but someone told me, when you get a sato class, its a sign that your finishing school...yipee!! :)
 I like sharing many stories and being a girl, it does not get any better, I have to explain in detail so bear with me when I get side lined at times, but i'm working on it, dont want you to go all yawning on me.

 Back to the #truestory, I put the alarm to wake me up 7:30a.m which I will have like 45 min to get ready for the day and bounce to school. P.s I never hear the alarm so I dont even know why I bother putting it but maybe because I'm hoping that one fateful day....I hear it.(insert Obama's voice). 
After I put my head down for a few minutes, I know it was a few minutes, my phone rings....walalala!!!! Guess who was calling...MRS RUTTO. I struggled to look at the time and it was 8a.m then she goes, "kwani leo kumeendaje( sensing all the sarcasm in her voice), you are not going to school? ebu check the time" I can not remember what happened after that coz i blacked out for a serious  30min THEN... I got really upset when mummy decides to bang..not knock..BANG on my door. You can imagine the shock, the confusion, I thought tumekuja kuibiwa leo. 

And she couldnt stop till I opened the door...thats tough love right there. Bado nampenda, since it was 8:30 I did not even bother doing things in a hurry because either way, I was and will be late and worse my back still hurt. I acquired a new walking style, u should have seen me today...#sigh. I tried taking the shower haraka then as I was dressing up I decided to listen to the jams(multi tasking.. aha) that Mariru had given to me the previous day and the first song to play was the 'I smile" song, I listened to it and I was like, how appropriate... it goes, "this song is for is a new day, but there is no sunshine, nothing but clouds and its dark in my heart and it feels like a cold's a new day...but where are my blue skies, where is the love and the joy..." ( you should listen to it for yourself) and it goes on, on how you should always smile even though your day has started bad like being late for your Saturday 9a.m class. I changed my attitude and tried to at least hasten  my speed of doing things. Did everything in a flash and in a split of a second, I was out of the house. After walking a few meters away from the house in my head... I was like God, si leo u make my lecturer be late for class and at the same time leave early so that I can be back home and sleep my afternoon away?? #purebliss, then I started looking for my kabambe(phone) and alas, it wasnt there, aaaaaaaaaaaaargh and I could not imagine a day without it., so I run back home (Rudisha style) and I remember leaving the house at exactly 9( believe me I did all that in 30 min)
I rushed to my room, picked the kabambe, went to the bus stop and the only matatu going to town had three guys inside, and it could not leave until it was full. Since I had no other choice, I had to enter and I continued praying the prayer for making my lecturer late. After like ten minutes the mat was full. Btw, one day I will share my matatu stories with u...everyday single day that I use one something funny or annoying has to happen, like today, this guy enters the mat and as it was leaving, he tells the kange..."si msime hii retio yenu kama haina sauti poa" with a heavy kale accent( i'm not hating coz I am a proud kale... its just that...) I could not hold my laughter...LMAO :-D plus it was beautiful day that needed a good laugh. 
Guess what people, when I reached class, like at 9:30 I find some guy who is not our lecturer and it seems like he had just entered class because he was telling the other guys that our lecturer could not make it for class but he will be teaching us. You should have seen my face... glorious!!
So I take my sit, the lecture goes on till ten, then the new guy asks, "do you guys want to go for a break or should we finish whatever i had planned for you so that you can leave early..lets say at eleven...?" You should have seen my face again... super glorious!!!!
Thank God that everyone thought like me..genius classmates, we all agreed that we can wait so that the class can end early mind you, its a class that would normally end at one o'clock in the afternoon, but you know what, I know that this was God, honestly, or how else would you explain such an epic day?? So I told God, thanks for being so considerate. and you can imagine how I ran back home for the afternoon siesta and now i'm feeling kinda better, my back hurts less...can i get an AMEN for that!

THANK YOU! anyways, i'm sure u might be wondering all that for just that. My point today is that, 1.God will always answer your prayers. 2. God recognizes the little things you do or say to Him, even though they seem like jokes I mean He is the author of humor anyways. 3. God understands his people and finally, let us always learn to pray at all times, for the food that we eat, for the guy sitted next to you in a matatu, your friends, your family, for your lecturer, for your schoolmates, for your boyfriend/your girlfriend,  just pray for anything that come to your mind at that time that u decide to take a few minutes and talk to God. There is a saying ...yaani msemo..."When you pray for others God listens to you and

blesses them, and sometimes when you are safe and happy remember that someone has prayed for you. I am living proof of that.

In Psalm 50:15 it says "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me." as well as in Matthew 6:5-12 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. "This, then, is how you should pray: "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 
Let us learn to pray guys!!
Its getting late, and I need to sleep early so that I can make it for church kesho...yes, lazima watu waende church hakuna story za bedside baptist

Take care of yourselves, ile team ilishindwa...poleni sana..kuna next season. I love y'all but God's love is the greatest.

Food for thought: As you might remember, the head of a company survived 
9/11 because his son started kindergarten.
Another fellow was alive because it was 
His turn to bring donuts. 
One woman was late because her 
Alarm clock didn't go off in time. 
One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpike
Because of an auto accident. 
One of them Missed his bus. One spilled food on her clothes and had to take Time to change. One's Car wouldn't start. One couldn't Get a taxi. The one that struck me was the man 
Who put on a new pair of shoes that morning, 
Took the various means to get to work 
But before he got there, he developed 
a blister on his foot. He stopped at a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid. 
That is why he is alive today.. Now when I am --Stuck in traffic , --Miss an elevator,-Turn back to answer a ringing telephone ... --All the little things that annoy me. 
I think to myself, this is exactly where 
God wants me to be at this very moment.. 
Next time your morning seems to be 
Going wrong , You can't seem to find the car keys, 
You hit every traffic light,
Don't get mad or frustrated; 
It May be just that God is at work watching over you. 
May God continue to bless you 
With all those annoying little things 
And may you remember their possible purpose.


follow me on twitter @missRutto

Friday 27 May 2011

the first day

... OK, I feel like a square peg in a hole or is it a circle in a square hole.
anyways, you still get my point. So, today I decided to try out this blog thing that almost all my friends are doing because I dont want to be left behind, or rather staki kuwa nyuma kama engine ya vokswagen...

There is this one guy in particular who has inspired me but I will not mention any names till I am given permission.
Since its my first day, I would like to share a lil of something something on what it's going to be all about. Lemme start by letting y'al know who I am, so..My name is Audrey Rutto but many of my close friends know me as Lazizi( yap, the secret is out, I'm the girl that sauti sol sang about....i wish). I love Jesus with all my heart and I go to The United States International University, i'm sure some of u r like, what?? loving Jesus and USIU, thats like water and oil or Laxatives and sleeping pills or chocolate and jellybeans or alcohol and church, thats a hoax but believe me, I'm not the only one..tuko wengi, trust me. It has not been an easy road for me, which reminds me of an incident in one of my last semester's class, so everyone had to do an oral presentation in front of the class. Oh how I dislike such moments...

 I hear its called social-phobia or something like that, but i'm not that extreme, I love people, we are all God's beautiful creation because everyone was created in His image and likeness(Genesis 1:27) but I know you get what I'm saying.
Anyways, thats besides my point.It was my turn to do the presentation, you should have seen me, those beads of sweat that we always used to write in our compositions back in primary school actually cascaded down my visage(had to use that so that you know my folks did not pay my school fees for nothing..haha)

You should have seen me, but thinking of it, thank God you did not :-), because...hmmmmmmmm weeeeeeeeell, thats a story for another day. Back to my point, I gave my self psyche, went up there, did my thing like a pro and sat down, thank Jesus guys gave a standing ovation for, jk, atleast they clapped for me, phew! So as I went to sit down, this guy who was sitting next to me asks you love Jesus...and I was like "huh" I dint get why he asked me that (blonde moment right there) then it hit me, it was my wallpaper... ok my sister's wallpaper, this one right here

I was using my sister's laptop which is pretty much the same as mine( for those who might be wondering how he got to see that, you see the benefits of going to a great school oh, correction....A GREAT UNIVERSITY, we have these projectors that you can connect to your laptop and do your thing, but do I say)...anyways... and that right there was a moment of either pulling a Peter's stunt (denying Jesus who is our Lord) or acknowledging the fact that you stand and represent Jesus Christ. I thank God for giving wisdom and the strength to tell this guy that 'yes, I love Jesus and I believe in Him as well' (with a big smile on my face but i'm sure God had a broader one than mine). I'm telling you guys, it felt so good and I was happy that God actually gave me the opportunity to say something to this guy and i hope it kinda crossed his head or at least he must have thought about it or something.
In my kinda Blog, i would like to take this opportunity to spread God's word to all my friends the new and the old...because I love y'all and I would love to spend eternity with you. I have come to learn that God works with whatever you have. Like for instance, when God wanted Moses to go free the Israelites from Egypt, Moses gave all these excuses, ati oh i'm not a good speaker, God gave him Aaron, his bro...ati oh what if they do not listen to us but what did God ask him? What he had on his hand, he was like a stick...then God told Him to throw it on the ground and it turned to a big snake and the story goes on in Exodus chapter 3 all the way to chapter 7. God knows how shy i get around people but he gave me this chance to tell someone of the Good News. So if you are shy like missRutto over here, ask God to put you in situations that favor your personality, if you're a loud what is necessary, do not be afraid.
It  is my heart's desire that I will be able to reach out to that girl who's been dumped like a million times, the one who's always dating the wrong guy, the one who feels like her world is all dark and gloomy, the one who has wrong or bad company and having a hard time in life, the one who has been scarred by someone and the same applies to the guys. 
It is my prayer that God may use me to tell of His love story to you guys, in a way that you will be able to understand it and be able to believe in it and live like it.

Look at the time, oh my :-/ Its getting late and I have a class at 9a.m...saddest part of my life...#sigh, hope I will make it. Today, I woke up feeling like I had been digging the shamba the whole night, had a backache, mouth ulcers/tongue ulcers(I could not drink tea...sad face, my newly addiction but my mum says that this a sign of a true kale woman of which i still disagree with her), a bad flu( the kinda flu that comes with the running nose, blocked ears, split headache) and my whole body hurt, 

and phew! I did not have school today or is it yesterday but all in all, Yesu ni Bwana. I know i'll be feeling much better later on this morning because my mum made me drink those home remedies/concussions for flus.

Food for thought: you go about your businesses and all that yidi yadi yada, would you want to live that kinda life that you always fear for the future or that kinda life that you always look forward to??

Just wanted to let you know that Jesus loves you or should I go around town carrying this sign like this guy??
lol :-D
