Friday 27 May 2011

the first day

... OK, I feel like a square peg in a hole or is it a circle in a square hole.
anyways, you still get my point. So, today I decided to try out this blog thing that almost all my friends are doing because I dont want to be left behind, or rather staki kuwa nyuma kama engine ya vokswagen...

There is this one guy in particular who has inspired me but I will not mention any names till I am given permission.
Since its my first day, I would like to share a lil of something something on what it's going to be all about. Lemme start by letting y'al know who I am, so..My name is Audrey Rutto but many of my close friends know me as Lazizi( yap, the secret is out, I'm the girl that sauti sol sang about....i wish). I love Jesus with all my heart and I go to The United States International University, i'm sure some of u r like, what?? loving Jesus and USIU, thats like water and oil or Laxatives and sleeping pills or chocolate and jellybeans or alcohol and church, thats a hoax but believe me, I'm not the only one..tuko wengi, trust me. It has not been an easy road for me, which reminds me of an incident in one of my last semester's class, so everyone had to do an oral presentation in front of the class. Oh how I dislike such moments...

 I hear its called social-phobia or something like that, but i'm not that extreme, I love people, we are all God's beautiful creation because everyone was created in His image and likeness(Genesis 1:27) but I know you get what I'm saying.
Anyways, thats besides my point.It was my turn to do the presentation, you should have seen me, those beads of sweat that we always used to write in our compositions back in primary school actually cascaded down my visage(had to use that so that you know my folks did not pay my school fees for nothing..haha)

You should have seen me, but thinking of it, thank God you did not :-), because...hmmmmmmmm weeeeeeeeell, thats a story for another day. Back to my point, I gave my self psyche, went up there, did my thing like a pro and sat down, thank Jesus guys gave a standing ovation for, jk, atleast they clapped for me, phew! So as I went to sit down, this guy who was sitting next to me asks you love Jesus...and I was like "huh" I dint get why he asked me that (blonde moment right there) then it hit me, it was my wallpaper... ok my sister's wallpaper, this one right here

I was using my sister's laptop which is pretty much the same as mine( for those who might be wondering how he got to see that, you see the benefits of going to a great school oh, correction....A GREAT UNIVERSITY, we have these projectors that you can connect to your laptop and do your thing, but do I say)...anyways... and that right there was a moment of either pulling a Peter's stunt (denying Jesus who is our Lord) or acknowledging the fact that you stand and represent Jesus Christ. I thank God for giving wisdom and the strength to tell this guy that 'yes, I love Jesus and I believe in Him as well' (with a big smile on my face but i'm sure God had a broader one than mine). I'm telling you guys, it felt so good and I was happy that God actually gave me the opportunity to say something to this guy and i hope it kinda crossed his head or at least he must have thought about it or something.
In my kinda Blog, i would like to take this opportunity to spread God's word to all my friends the new and the old...because I love y'all and I would love to spend eternity with you. I have come to learn that God works with whatever you have. Like for instance, when God wanted Moses to go free the Israelites from Egypt, Moses gave all these excuses, ati oh i'm not a good speaker, God gave him Aaron, his bro...ati oh what if they do not listen to us but what did God ask him? What he had on his hand, he was like a stick...then God told Him to throw it on the ground and it turned to a big snake and the story goes on in Exodus chapter 3 all the way to chapter 7. God knows how shy i get around people but he gave me this chance to tell someone of the Good News. So if you are shy like missRutto over here, ask God to put you in situations that favor your personality, if you're a loud what is necessary, do not be afraid.
It  is my heart's desire that I will be able to reach out to that girl who's been dumped like a million times, the one who's always dating the wrong guy, the one who feels like her world is all dark and gloomy, the one who has wrong or bad company and having a hard time in life, the one who has been scarred by someone and the same applies to the guys. 
It is my prayer that God may use me to tell of His love story to you guys, in a way that you will be able to understand it and be able to believe in it and live like it.

Look at the time, oh my :-/ Its getting late and I have a class at 9a.m...saddest part of my life...#sigh, hope I will make it. Today, I woke up feeling like I had been digging the shamba the whole night, had a backache, mouth ulcers/tongue ulcers(I could not drink tea...sad face, my newly addiction but my mum says that this a sign of a true kale woman of which i still disagree with her), a bad flu( the kinda flu that comes with the running nose, blocked ears, split headache) and my whole body hurt, 

and phew! I did not have school today or is it yesterday but all in all, Yesu ni Bwana. I know i'll be feeling much better later on this morning because my mum made me drink those home remedies/concussions for flus.

Food for thought: you go about your businesses and all that yidi yadi yada, would you want to live that kinda life that you always fear for the future or that kinda life that you always look forward to??

Just wanted to let you know that Jesus loves you or should I go around town carrying this sign like this guy??
lol :-D


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