Monday 30 May 2011

...another angle of the Lord's temple

Hey God's people? I believe and trust that y'all are well. How was your Monday? I hope it was aight and that you kept it HOLY.

Today, i'l just share some poetry/spoken word with you guys.


If you do not control your eating habits, you eating habits will control you.
Look at my gut for example,
I have love handles like monkey bars that kids dangle with from a play grounds

Flabs spilling over from the side my what used to be waist line...
I have lack of discipline stretch marks that mark my elastic truths when I would to stretch my lies to satisfy my gluttonous excuses
Every time I would drive home from work or every time I would drive home from church I would think, "What do I have a taste for?"
Never took the time to watch my mum cook, so I settled for fast food.
You know, let say its catered by a patience.
"Welcome to Wendy's! What can I get for you today?"
"Can I have two cheese burgers, two fried pieces regular doggies(donno if thats the spelling), no sauce please, a small fry and a small chocolate fros-tie with a diet coke as if thats gonna make a difference

"Would that complete your order?"
"Yes, please."
Put forward as total as I would, total my body like a car wreck
Every time I would let my taste buds do 99meals per hour in the fast food lane dented to a brick wall called HIGH CHOLESTEROL
Treated my body like a junk yard when I should have been treated my body like a temple
I know I'm not the only one that feels conviction when I drive up that second window.

But yet...I will let my flesh get the best of me not realizing that gluttony is Satan's secret recipe
It was like every time I was depressed, I would eat to defeat my feeling of feeling depressed
For once I started to physically address my figure was getting bigger, I would start to get depressed again
Every time I would look in the mirror and see my belly stick out further than my chest again
Best friends and co-workers teasing me while gluttony was eating me
While laugh and make jokes about it like I'm doing in this poem but everyday feeling like I'm going to get a heart attack secretly

Because I fell in love with food, became gluttony's baby
Thats when Satan started spoon feeding me lies,
"Its getting too hard to get started!"
"You might as well not do it, you are too fat!"
"You cant loose it!" and the one thats the worst,
"You've done such a good job so far, one burger won't hurt.."

You are right, one burger won't hurt, one burger may kill you like a heart attack waiting to stroke more than your ego after it fills you
Making me feel like a jacket box of dogged doughnuts every time I hop in and out of Burgers Kingdom
Because gluttony was a dairy queen that gave me a hearty with the hooters and I could not rally to check 'em
Because this cheek...Adam's apple had me stuck until one day...
God showed me that my body is a golden carrel, not a piece of harper eye or 'churches chicken'
Never really wanted to read the book of Daniel because I was too scared at the conviction of fasting with him
Its kinda funny how they call it fast food yet it slows our metabolism.

Now i'm not saying that if you are fat you are going to hell?
But the realization I came to was that...
If I can't take care of the body that God gave me, then how am I going to take care of his body as well?
But its hard because we live in a world
Where we are no longer thankful because convenience has desensitized our patience
We sit at restaurants not in mind with the preparation it takes
As we greedily anticipate stuff in our faces with food
We almost eat our food like objects not different from hookers in the projects
To the point where the only thing that our fast food eating habits and saying 'Our Grace" has in common is that they are processed.

.......Its sad that gluttony has gotten so bad that we almost take short cuts in prayers to indulge in it
"Jesus wept. Amen!" Anything longer than that...
I know i'm not the only one
C'mon, we be like, "Jesus wept. Amen!" anything longer than that, "...ehem!"
Less somebody say "Dear Lord, I thank you for this day.." people thinking at the back of their minds
"Would this dude hurry up and pray, I'm hungry!"

So we starve God's glory to fulfill our tummies.
Coz our flesh got the munchies and we are high off the smell
How much longer will you let your taste buds abominations take a bite out of hell???
Don't let the fact that something tastes good be an excuse for you to pick out all the time
Because if it is, just remember that even Satan can use fast food to cast his pearls to your swine

If this poem is about you, like it is me
And you've began to loose faith at you ability to loose weight
But you want to eat healthy or restart to get fit again
I'm here to tell you that God has not given you a spirit of fear not to do it but of power, of love and of self discipline
The power to say that, "Starting right now, I'm gonna eat right!"
The love of my body to say that I'm going to treat my body the same way I expect to treat the body of Christ of self-discipline
To say that God has not given me a spirit of timidity, but of power, of love and of self-discipline is what's going into me.
I'm here to tell you that ...YOU CAN DO IT!
Even though Satan is saying that you are too fat... YOU CAN DO IT!
Even though Satan is saying that you can't make to the gym... YOU CAN DO IT!
Even though Satan is saying that you are too lazy... YOU CAN DO IT!

Because if you body is the temple like God says it is and you believe Him, then prove it!
Because if you body is the temple like God says it is and you believe Him, then prove it!
Because if you body is the temple like God says it is and you believe Him, then prove it!

Because if all that weight is too much for your body or you spirit to carry...then
                                                 LOOSE IT

These are not my words but its like he (Karness, a man of God and a poet) just came into my heart and saw what I was going through and I believe i'm not the only one. If you get to read it and know someone else who it may help, pass on the info.

 P.s If you want to check out more of his poems u can go to
 thats it for me today. I love y'all but God's love is the what?....the GREATEST!!
...keep it holy...

 u can follow me on twitter @missRutto


  1. This is actually inspiring,miss audrey rutto,probably not in the way you intended it to be but it is touching!good work:-)
